The flowchart section is where you view flowcharts of the different plans generated by the software. There are 14 different plans total, and you can navigate through them using the Previous and Next buttons, or by typing the number of the plan and pressing Enter.
When reading the flowcharts,
- The first row of flowchart boxes displays assets upon the death of the first-to-die.
- The second row of flowchart boxes displays the taxes due upon the death of the first-to-die.
- The third row of flowchart boxes represents the value upon the death to the second-to-die. It also includes the Marital Trust, Nonmarital Trust, and Nontaxable Asset values.
- The fourth row of flowchart boxes displays the taxes due upon the death of the second-to-die.
- The last row of flowchart boxes displays the total taxes for both estates and the total value that passes to the heirs.
You can display the lines that appear in the flowcharts in black or in a combination of red and green. Select Color Flowchart Lines on the View menu to switch between these two settings. When the lines are colored, red lines extending from a box indicate that the money being transferred is taxed. Green lines extending from a box indicate that money being transferred is not taxed.
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