On Step 3 (Estate Information) of the Inputs, you have the chance to override how assets are handled at the first death. This allows you, for example, to make sure that every plan illustrates a minimum amount being left to the surviving spouse at the first spouse's death. In that case, just enter the amount in the input field labeled "To Surviving Spouse." This input limits the amount of the net assets from the first estate being left to the surviving spouse. If you prefer to enter this amount as a percentage, check the "Use %" box and enter a value of 100.0% or less.
To make sure that the nonspousal beneficiaries always receive a minimum amount, enter that amount in the in the input field labeled "To Beneficiaries."
If the Retirement Plans should be transferred to the surviving spouse at the owner's death, check the box labeled "Force Retirement Plans to Surviving Spouse?"
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